Minecraft 1.18.2に向けた1回目のスナップショット22w03aにて新しいコマンドの/placefeature
/placefeature <feature> [<pos>]
引数 | 必須 | 説明 |
<feature> | 必須 | 生成物の名称を指定(後述) |
<pos> | 必須ではない | 生成物を設置する位置を絶対位置または相対位置で指定 絶対位置(ピンポイントの座標)で指定する場合は「-128 64 255」のように指定 相対位置(自己位置を起点とした座標)で指定する場合は「~-2 ~ ~10」のようにチルダを用いて指定 |
例えば/placefeature Acacia tree
生成物名(日本語) | 生成物名(英語) | 引数<feature> |
アカシアの木 | Acacia tree | acacia |
アメジストジオード | Amethyst geode | amethyst_geode |
ツツジの木 | Azalea tree | azalea_tree |
竹(ポドゾルなし) | Bamboo (no podzol) | bamboo_no_podzol |
竹(ポドゾルあり) | Bamboo (have podzol) | bamboo_some_podzol |
竹林の木 | Bamboo jungle trees | bamboo_vegetation |
ネザーラック内の玄武岩 | Basalt blobs in netherrack | basalt_blobs |
玄武岩の柱 | Basalt pillar | basalt_pillar |
シラカバの木 | Birch tree | birch |
シラカバの木(0.2%の確率でミツバチの巣) | Birch tree (0.2% bee nest) | birch_bees_0002 |
シラカバの木(2%の確率でミツバチの巣) | Birch tree (2% bee nest) | birch_bees_002 |
シラカバの木(5%の確率でミツバチの巣) | Birch tree (5% bee nest) | birch_bees_005 |
シラカバの原生林の木 | Birch trees (old growth birch forest) | birch_tall |
ネザーラック内のブラックストーン | Blackstone blobs in netherrack | blackstone_blobs |
Blue ice patch | blue_ice | |
ボーナスチェスト | Bonus chest | bonus_chest |
洞窟のツタ | Cave vines | cave_vine |
Cave vines in moss | cave_vine_in_moss | |
Chorus plant | chorus_plant | |
Clay pool with dripleaves | clay_pool_with_dripleaves | |
Clay with dripleaves | clay_with_dripleaves | |
Crimson forest vegetation | crimson_forest_vegetation | |
Crimson forest vegetation (grown from bone | crimons_forest_vegetation_bonemeal | |
Huge crimson fungus | crimson_fungus | |
Huge crimson fungus (planted) | crimson_fungus_planted | |
暗い森の木と大きなキノコ | Dark forest trees and huge mushrooms | dark_forest_vegetation |
ダークオークの木 | Dark oak tree | dark_oak |
Basalt delta | delta | |
Desert well | desert_well | |
Clay disk | disk_clay | |
Gravel disk | disk_gravel | |
Sand disk | disk_sand | |
Dripleaf | dripleaf | |
Dripstone cluster | dripstone_cluster | |
End gateway (delayed) | end_gateway_delayed | |
End gateway (exit) | end_gateway_return | |
End island | end_island | |
End spike | end_spike | |
大きなオークの木 | Fancy oak tree | fancy_oak |
大きなオークの木とミツバチの巣 | Fancy oak tree with beehive | fancy_oak_bees |
大きなオークの木(0.2%の確率でミツバチの巣) | Fancy oak tree (0.2% bee nest) | fancy_oak_bees_0002 |
大きなオークの木(2%の確率でミツバチの巣) | Fancy oak tree (2% bee nest) | fancy_oak_bees_002 |
大きなオークの木(5%の確率でミツバチの巣) | Fancy oak tree (5% bee nest) | fancy_oak_bees_005 |
Flower patch (default) | flower_default | |
Flower patch (flower forest) | flower_flower_forest | |
Flower patch (meadow) | flower_meadow | |
Flower patch (plains) | flower_plain | |
Blue orchid patch | flower_swamp | |
Flower patch (forest) | forest_flowers | |
Forest rock | forest_rock | |
Fossil (coal ore) | fossil_coal | |
Fossil (diamond ore) | fossil_diamonds | |
Freeze surface | freeze_top_layer | |
Glow lichen | glow_lichen | |
Glowstone blob | glowstone_extra | |
Huge brown mushroom | huge_brown_mushroom | |
Huge red mushroom | huge_red_mushroom | |
Ice patch | ice_patch | |
Ice spike | ice_spike | |
Iceberg (blue ice) | iceberg_blue | |
Iceberg (packed ice) | iceberg_packed | |
Jungle bush | jungle_bush | |
ジャングルの木 | Jungle tree | jungle_tree |
ジャングルの木(ツタなし) | Jungle tree (no vines) | jungle_tree_no_vine |
Kelp plant | kelp | |
溶岩湖 | Lava lake | lake_lava |
Large basalt columns | large_basalt_columns | |
大きな鍾乳石 | Large dripstone | large_dripstone |
繁茂した洞窟の粘土面 | Lush cave clay surface | lush_caves_clay |
草地の木 | Meadow trees | meadow_trees |
巨大なジャングルの木 | Giant jungle tree | mega_jungle_tree |
巨大なトウヒの木(松型) | Giant spruce tree (pine-shaped) | mega_pine |
巨大なトウヒの木(スプールス型) | Giant spruce tree (spruce-shaped) | mega_spruce |
ダンジョン | Dungeon | monster_room |
Moss patch | moss_patch | |
Moss patch (grown from bone meal) | moss_patch_bonemeal | |
Moss patch on ceilings | moss_patch_ceiling | |
Moss vegetation | moss_vegetation | |
Huge mushrooms (mushroom fields) | mushroom_island_vegetaation | |
Nether sprouts | nether_sprouts | |
Nether sprouts (grown from bone meal) | nether_sprouts_bonemeal | |
オークの木 | Oak tree | oak |
オークの木(0.2%の確率でミツバチの巣) | Oak tree (0.2% bee nest) | oak_bees_0002 |
オークの木(2%の確率でミツバチの巣) | Oak tree (2% bee nest) | oak_bees_002 |
オークの木(5%の確率でミツバチの巣) | Oak tree (5% bee nest) | oak_bees_005 |
古代の残骸(大) | Ancient debris (large) | ore_ancient_debris_large |
古代の残骸(小) | Ancient debris (small) | ore_ancient_debris_small |
古代の残骸の塊 | Andesite blob | ore_andesite |
ブラックストーンの塊 | Blackstone blob | ore_blackstone |
粘土の塊 | Clay blob | ore_clay |
石炭の塊 | Coal ore blob | ore_coal |
石炭の塊(空気との接地面低減) | Coal ore (reduced air exposure) | ore_coal_buried |
Large copper ore blob | ore_copper_large | |
銅鉱石の塊 | Copper ore blob | ore_copper_small |
ダイヤモンド鉱石(空気との接地なし) | Diamond ore (no air exposure) | ore_diamond_buried |
小さなダイヤモンドの塊 | Small diamond ore blob | ore_diamond_large |
大きなダイヤモンドの塊 | Large diamond ore blob | ore_diamond_small |
閃緑岩の塊 | Diorite blob | ore_diorite |
土の塊 | Dirt blob | ore_dirt |
エメラルド鉱石の塊 | Emerald ore blob | ore_emerald |
金鉱石の塊 | Gold ore blob | ore_gold |
金鉱石の塊(空気との接地面低減) | Gold ore (reduced air exposure) | ore_gold_buried |
花崗岩の塊 | Granite blob | ore_granite |
砂利の塊(ネザー) | Gravel blob (nether) | ore_gravel |
砂利の塊 | Gravel blob | ore_gravel_nether |
Infested stone blob | ore_infested | |
鉄鉱石の塊 | Iron ore blob | ore_iron |
小さな鉄鉱石の塊 | Small iron ore blob | ore_iron_small |
ラピスラズリ鉱石の塊 | Lapis lazuli ore blob | ore_lapis |
ラピスラズリ鉱石の塊(空気との接地なし) | Lapis lazuli ore (no air exposure) | ore_lapis_buried |
マグマブロックの塊 | Magma block blob | ore_magma |
ネザー金鉱石の塊 | Nether gold ore blob | ore_nether_gold |
ネザークオーツの塊 | Nether quartz ore blob | ore_quartz |
レッドストーン鉱石の塊 | Redstone ore blob | ore_redstone |
ソウルサンドの塊 | Soul sand blob | ore_soul_sand |
凝灰岩の塊 | Tuff blob | ore_tuff |
Sweet berry bush patch | patch_berry_bush | |
Brown mushroom patch | patch_brown_mushroom | |
Cactus patch | patch_cactus | |
Crimson root patch | patch_crimson_roots | |
Dead bush patch | patch_dead_bush | |
Fire patch | patch_fire | |
Grass patch | patch_grass | |
Grass and fern patch (jungle) | patch_grass_jungle | |
Large fern patch | patch_large_fern | |
Melon patch | patch_melon | |
Pumpkin patch | patch_pumpkin | |
Red mushroom Patch | patch_red_mushroom | |
Soul fire patch | patch_soul_fire | |
Sugar cane patch | patch_sugar_cane | |
Sunflower patch | patch_sunflower | |
Grass and fern patch (taiga) | patch_taiga_grass | |
Tall grass patch | patch_tall_grass | |
Lily pad patch | patch_waterlily | |
Pile of hay bales | pile_hay | |
Pile of packed and blue ice | pile_ice | |
山盛りのスイカ | Melon pile | pile_melon |
山盛りのカボチャ | Pumpkin pile | pile_pumpkin |
Snow pile | pile_snow | |
トウヒの木(スプールス型) | Spruce tree (pine-shaped) | pine |
鍾乳石 | Pointed dripstone | pointed_dripstone |
開花したツツジの木 | Rooted azalea tree | rooted_azalea_tree |
シーピクルス | Sea pickles | sea_pickle |
海草(60%長い) | Seagrass (60% tall) | seagrass_mid |
海草(30%長い) | Seagrass (30% tall) | seagrass_short |
海草(短い) | Seagrass (short) | seagrass_simple |
海草(40%長い) | Seagrass (40% tall) | seagrass_slightly_less_short |
海草(80%長い) | Seagrass (80% tall) | seagrass_tall |
Single grass plant | single_piece_of_grass | |
Small basalt columns | small_basalt_columns | |
Spore blossom | spore_blossom | |
Lava spring (snow and packed ice) | spring_lava_frozen | |
Lava spring (nether) | spring_lava_nether | |
Lava spring (overworld) | spring_lava_overworld | |
Nether lava spring (hidden) | spring_nether_closed | |
Nether lava spring (visible) | spring_nether_open | |
Water spring | spring_water | |
トウヒの木 | Spruce tree (spruce-shaped) | spruce |
長いシラカバの木とミツバチの巣 | Tall birch tree with bee nest | super_birch_bees |
長いシラカバの木(0.2%の確率でミツバチの巣) | Tall birch tree (0.2% bee nest) | super_birch_bees_0002 |
オークの木(湿地) | Oak tree (swamp) | swamp_oak |
シラカバとオークの木 | Birch and oak trees | trees_birch_and_oak |
木(花の森) | Trees (flower forest) | trees_flower_forest |
木(林) | Trees (grove) | trees_grove |
木(ジャングル) | Trees (jungle) | trees_jungle |
木(マツの原生林) | Trees (old growth pine taiga) | trees_old_growth_pine_taiga |
木(トウヒの原生林) | Trees (old growth spruce taiga) | trees_old_growth_spruce_taiga |
木(平原) | Trees (plains) | trees_plains |
木(サバンナ) | Trees (savanna) | trees_savanna |
まばらなジャングルの木 | Sparse jungle trees | trees_sparse_jungle |
木(タイガ) | Trees (taiga) | trees_taiga |
水辺の木 | Waterside trees | trees_water |
木(吹きさらしの丘) | Trees (windswept hills) | trees_windswept_hills |
Twisting vines | twisting_vines | |
Twisting vines (grown from bone meal) | twisting_vines_bonemeal | |
Underwater magma blocks | underwater_magma | |
Vines | vines | |
Void start platform | void_start_platform | |
Coral Reef | warm_ocean_vegetation | |
Warped forest vegetation | warped_forest_vegetation | |
Warped forest vegetation (grown from bone | warped_forest_vegetation_bonemeal | |
歪んだキノコ | Huge warped fungus | warped_fungus |
歪んだキノコ(植栽) | Huge warped fungus (planted) | warped_fungus_planted |
しだれツタ | Weeping vines | weeping_vines |